Friday, May 15, 2015

How to survive a heart attack if you are alone

The only fact of thinking that we can get to suffer a heart attack at any time is something that we are very much afraid, because we know that in the majority of cases the consequences can be fatal. However, that should most concern us is unprepared for a case like this, even more so if it comes to pass when we are alone.
Know how to react to the symptoms of a heart attack can be decisive for our lives. In many cases, it is difficult to act when we are alone, but if we take into consideration some recommendations, we can have more chances to survive and receive professional care in time.

How to survive a heart attack if you are alone

1- Is an attack on the heart than a cardiac arrest the same?

Before you get recommendations to survive a heart attack if you are alone, it is very important that you clarify the difference between a heart attack and a cardiac arrest. It is very common to see how people fall into the trap of believing that both things are exactly the same, when in reality it is not. Although both cardiac arrest and myocardial infarction (correct medical term for heart attack) are caused by problems of blood circulation and supply to the heart, both differ in their respective modes of emergence.
A cardiac arrest occurs when the blood circulation in our body decreases, which makes the contractions of the heart may become irregular or weaker. As a result, all the parts of our body fail to receive the adequate supply of oxygen and, because of this, the person loses consciousness, since the brain does not receive the amount of oxygen required.
Meanwhile, an attack on the heart, or rather, myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow is cut in a particular area of the heart, usually by an arterial blockage. As a result, this area of our heart cells begin to die and, If it is not properly, over time this alteration in the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart can cause serious damage to the heart muscle and tissues. Commonly the symptoms that are associated with a heart attack, and that allows us to act in time, are pain in the chest, shortness of breath, palpitations, excessive sweating, nausea, fatigue or dizziness, among others.
Well, now that we make clear the differences between heart attack and cardiac arrest, you invite you that you may know how you should act to survive a heart attack if you're only. It should be noted there is no as such a totally effective way to survive a heart attack, but these tips can be decisive.

How to survive a heart attack if you are alone

2- How to react to a heart attack?

First, you must call a number of emergencies when you begin to feel physical discomfort and pain in the heart area that may be suspicious. If you already have been diagnosed with some form of heart disease, to contact the medical facility where you are receiving the respective treatment. If you are casually driving a vehicle and start to feel symptoms, stop immediately and call emergency as soon as possible.
No matter close which can be a medical center or hospital, for any reason, try to take the car yourself, then at any time you can lose consciousness while driving and this can end badly for you and even others.
If you are already receiving a medical treatment to control heart disease, might have about some type of over-the-counter beta blocker medication. If so, take a pill while you wait to get help. If this is the first time that happens, as soon as possible take an aspirin and chew it well. This medication helps to prevent that from forming clots, which will help to improve blood flow by relaxing arteries. This will be very useful to avoid the problem becomes worse as aid arrives.
As far as possible must remain quiet to prevent overwork to the heart muscle that is already sold out.
If possible, hard hit the area of the chest where the heart is, to avoid this stop pumping blood. This is something very difficult when we suffered a heart attack and it is more effective if someone else does it for you.
After meeting steps to act before a heart attack if we are alone, many of you wonder why I took the time to include the issue of the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack? As well, It is likely that many of you on any email or web page have found information that seeks to show how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation by cough or cough-RCP (on an ongoing basis, the fuerza-tos) at the moment of experiencing heart attack symptoms.
Although this procedure is not wrong and it has helped to save many people, what many do not differ is that it is a method to apply in the event of cardiac arrest. Commonly this type of chains or consultancy not clarify the difference between both problems and that many people may not act correctly according to their case. I hope that it is helpful!
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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