Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lose weight with the help of spices

Spices are flavouring substances of vegetable origin, which may have originated in flowers, seeds, nuts, or dried stems. They may have a strong or spicy taste, function as regulators of digestion and are an ideal substitute to reduce salt intake.

Lose weight with the help of spices

1- Classification of spices:

Spices are classified into 3 groups and can be identified as:

Saline: they are commonly used in many recipes, the most widely used is salt but among this group is also the oregano, tarragon, Basil and saffron.
Acids: these stand out for being efficient substances in quench thirst, are used more frequently in the kitchen lemon and vinegar.
Aromatic: They are bringing an odor to different foods, among these stands out the garlic, Rosemary, parsley, bay leaf, cinnamon, among others.

Spices are important in the preparation of foods since they help to detoxify the body through urine and blood, becoming drivers natural products of sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
They are various properties that have and are activated in the preparation of the food; some of them like cinnamon, turmeric and cloves work already prepared foods preservatives; others, such as thyme, Rosemary and Basil for flavoring food and avoid bad odours due to its decomposition by effects of climate, these spices also function as air fresheners for home.
Apart from all the properties that they can have these spices, we also have its benefits in the treatment of various diseases, as they are used as a natural medicine to relieve various ailments, for cholesterol is common to use celery and garlic, for the treatment of hypertension, garlic or lavender; to relieve or control asthma, it is recommended to use Sage or anise.
In addition, since antiquity spices have been recognized for their benefits as slimming products, developed in a natural way to burn calories and speed up metabolism.

Lose weight with the help of spices

2- Spices most used and recommended for weight loss:

Garlic is a spice that is responsible for accelerating the expenditure of calories by the body since it increases the production of hormones, which requires greater involvement of calories; It also reduces fluid retention, purifies the body and prevents the constant presence of appetite.
The mustard is one of the most commonly used spices time to lose weight, since your body can lose up to 50 calories during the consumption of this, since it speeds up the metabolism and is fat-free.
Pepper, this spice goodness has speed up metabolism, apart from this, 8% has properties as a stimulator of gastric secretions and helps relieve constipation and gas. More efficient pepper is cayenne pepper, since it accelerates up to a 25% caloric expenditure and removes toxins from the blood.
Cumin helps stimulate metabolism and has a special kindness, focuses on the reduction of fat and abdominal volume, one of the more complicated parts of the body when down measures.
Ginger becomes a perfect ally at the time of losing those extra pounds, also assists in the task of cellulite reduction.
Turmeric is a component that should not miss in the food preparation if you want to lose weight, since it contains Curcumin, a substance that slows the accumulation of fat.
Saffron and cardamom provide the activation of the metabolism and the digestion process.
Cinnamon is one of the spices most recognized for its benefits slimming, since it has the components necessary to speed up the metabolism, improve digestion, reduce appetite and to reduce the anxiety of eating.
As we can see, are many benefits which can bring to our lives and health consumption typical of various spices, since its natural composition offers various benefits for the preservation of health and improvement of metabolism and digestive system, a simple way of helping our body and its conservation and healthy functioning.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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