Monday, May 18, 2015

Plums against the loss of bone mass

We have continually said that for the bones should be getting plenty of calcium, and that the best way is to take milk and dairy products. Is that true?
In this article we explain another way to understand the problem of the lack of calcium and suggest you a food that you will be surprised by its great benefits to the bones: the prunes.

Plums against the loss of bone mass

1- The truth of the calcium:

When we speak of bone problems, as for example in osteoporosis, we often hear how praise the benefits of calcium. And while it is true that this mineral is essential, so are other equally important to their assimilation. Therefore it will not be healthy to start to consume foods with added calcium, but rather we will try to take a balanced diet and choose foods that provide us the calcium and other nutrients we need. Prunes are one of them.

2- Acidification:

We have possibly heard of alkaline pH or acid in our body, and how in general tend to be rather acidified due to poor feeding (especially for sugar, fried foods and refined flour), bad habits (tobacco or alcohol), negative emotions, stress and pollution.
As well, this excessive acidity causes our body to steal the calcium to our bones and remove it through the urine to try to compensate for the pH.
And here is where the plums show its first profit: are highly alkalizing.

3- Other nutrients:

In addition, prunes are also rich in potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper and iron, as well as vitamins A and K, essential nutrients for bone health. Curiously does not contain calcium and, however, several studies have shown that daily consumption of prunes may decrease the risk of developing bone disease.
In addition, the plums, whether they are fresh as if they are dried grapes are excellent for combat constipation and are very nutritious, making it ideal take them each morning we woke up.

Plums against the loss of bone mass

4- How do we eat them?

The healthiest way to eat them is to soak, in half a glass of water, the evening. We will take them in fasting the next morning, drinking us also.
The ideal number is between 3-5 daily plums.
If we don't want them to eat alone, we can beat them with other drinks or ripe fruits vegetables. We can also include them in desserts such as cupcakes or cakes, since they provide juiciness and sweetness and avoid having to add so much sugar.

5- Complete diet:

Finally, we propose other foods equally beneficial for your bones thanks to its content of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, and much more assimilated than dairy foods or products with added calcium:

Sesame: It contains more calcium that milk and is much more assimilable. We can take the raw Sesame ground or in the form of gomasio (ground and toasted) with salt, oil pressure cold and in crude oil or tahini (sesame paste). We can also beat the Tahini with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey to make our own Sesame drink.
Maca: contains plenty of calcium and iron and in addition it is an excellent hormonal regulator. Must take care the people with high blood pressure without control and those with over excitement of the immune system. We recommend that you read this article to know what dose take.
Cooked carrot: much richer in calcium than when it is raw.
Ponytail: very rich in Silicon. We can take two or three cups daily.
Sea water: A very balanced and natural supplement that can be found in health food and dietary. We recommend to take 1 tablespoon before each meal.

6- Smoothie for bones:

Plums against the loss of bone mass

Try this delicious recipe to strengthen your bones:

Crush one tablespoon of sesame seeds with a glass of water for at least one minute, with the help of a blender.
Strain the milk of Sesame and separates the fiber (which you can use for other recipes).
Again beat beverage Sesame with three put to soak prunes.
Add a little cinnamon powder.
Already have your smoothie: delicious for breakfast or snack and surprise the family with a very healthy recipe.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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