Monday, May 18, 2015

The 5 best natural conditioners

Hair care is essential to have a good image, healthy hair offers excellent appearance, and so should avoid their dryness, their abuse with dyes, exposure to high temperatures, break and tips open, but after any of the above mentioned factors appear, It is necessary to apply products that balance the hair and allow its healthy balance. However, the mistake many people make is to use chemical products to revitalize the scalp; to have the desired results in the hair care is essential to initiate treatments with natural products that granted all of its beneficial properties.
Hair is abused daily and do not have the time needed to provide care and nutrition, thus loses its luster and life by elements such as weather, moisture, Sun, the use of the iron and dryer; even up to the power intervenes in the health of the hair. Fortunately there are some processes that can bring back life to your hair without having to perform the ritual daily, in this article we will show you what and how you can prepare them, to ensure that hair is nourished and acquire more vitality.

The 5 best natural conditioners

1- Avocado conditioner:

The avocado has great properties that benefit the life of the hair, restoring it, smoothing it and strengthen it, this is mainly due to its high content of vitamins and minerals, in addition to the high level of water and vegetable oil which has, allowing deep hydration.
The avocado is a product that strengthens collagen formation, can be used on any hair type, and contributes to the prevention of split ends. To prepare this conditioner Avocado Mayonnaise, which is mixed with the avocado until adoption of a green color and a texture similar to the guacamole is required. This mixture should apply on damp hair from root to ends and should be left to act for 20 minutes. Then rinsed and washed hair well.

2- Oil Conditioning of rosemary:

Rosemary is used to prevent hair loss, its weakening and to avoid the appearance of premature gray hair; this oil is very beneficial for dry hair and is a great remedy against dandruff. Its use is mainly appropriate to promote the stimulation of the hair follicles, thereby allowing the growth of the same.
Rosemary oil conditioner is prepared using half a cup of dried Rosemary, mixed with half a cup of sunflower oil. This mixture is heated until it is at a medium temperature (warm), when hot sneaks and applies in the hair from root to ends. Left for 15 minutes and then rinsed and washed well, removing any residue.

The 5 best natural conditioners

3- Honey conditioner:

To moisturize the best product it is honey, it is mainly effective in curly hair. Honey is known for its high level of vitamins and enzymes that protect against dryness and contribute to the permanence of the brightness. To prepare this honey conditioner for curly hair you should mix half a cup of honey, half a cup of olive oil and an egg. They must mix the ingredients well and apply the product from root to tips, leaving for 15 minutes and then rinsing well.

4- Egg-based conditioner:

The benefits that gives egg and apply it on the hair are varied due to its concentrated content of protein and essential nutrients, it works how strengthening follicles of the scalp increasing the volume and shine, improving its texture and appearance. This mask or conditioner is prepared by combining one egg and a tablespoon of water, the liquid's applied on the hair, leave for 15 minutes, rinsed well and washing.

The 5 best natural conditioners

5-  Homemade aloe vera conditioner:

The properties of Aloe Vera have been adopted since antiquity to be used in treatments for the hair. Aloe Vera provides brightness, hair growth and control of dandruff.
The pulp of Aloe Vera has an effect of strengthening capillary, preventing hair loss. It is also effective as treatment of greasy hair, for a more effective effect must apply the balm made with this product and leave them for 30 minutes. The preparation of Aloe Vera or aloe vera is blending glass with a little water and apply it on wet hair. You must be at least 4 times a week.

6- Don't forget it!

Constant hair cleaning is necessary due to the fat of the shampoo, conditioner, creams and oils chemical hair fibers are saturated and impede the reception of nutrients. Natural products play a key role in the care of hair, due to their non-altered active principles that allow the direct contribution of the properties that each of these products has.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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