Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10 Secrets of food which can help you lose weight

Only make small changes in feeding and start including very healthy food, you can start to control the weight and get some kilos to enjoy better health and maintain the figure you want both. No need to torture with strict diets, pills and a lot of products that offer weight loss. It is true that usually help much for burning fat, but if you don't feel able to follow a strict regime, just follow only some healthy eating habits to begin to have a more balanced and healthy weight. Would you like to know the best secrets of food for weight loss?

10 Secrets of food which can help you lose weight

1- Keep fruits and vegetables on hand:

If you're still that keeps fruits and vegetables in the last drawer of the refrigerator, it is time look fresher and more visible for you somewhere. To keep them in the refrigerator you can forget that you must consume them and you can even finish wasting them. Keep your fruit in the dining room or somewhere where you can easily take them.
For those moments of anxiety, you can carry in a container a bit of chopped fruit, combining Apple slices, sliced Orange and grape. You can also cut celery and carrot sticks for chewing at any time of the day.

2- Always includes proteins:

Proteins are the nutrient more satiety produces to the body and that is good to include it on each plate. For example, if you eat oatmeal for breakfast, be sure to also include a little protein, adding for example 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

3- The weekly menu plan:

Plan in advance the weekly menu is key to a healthy and proper diet. You can plan your meals and snacks from Monday to Sunday, acquiring everything you need to fulfill the plan of power as you have planned it.

4- Learn how to control portions:

Learn how to control the way of eating is in your hands. With commitment and discipline to learn to eat only the necessary portions and healthy foods that promote your organization. You know that you should not overdo with the power and the key is to get used to eating small portions distributed in 4 or 5 meals a day.

5- Removes all kinds of temptations:

Keep the refrigerator or cupboard a lot of sandwiches and snacks are a great temptation to fall into bad eating habits. It is time to decide and eliminate all these products scrap of our life, to choose to eat healthier. To stop these calls temptations, you will avoid losing your healthy routine and, incidentally, save money.

10 Secrets of food which can help you lose weight

6- You eat carefully, and chew well:

One of the keys to improve the functioning of the metabolism and improve digestive function, is to learn to eat carefully, chewing food very well and taking at least 20 minutes at each meal. Avoid distractions while eating, like for example in the mobile or watching TV.

7- It includes avocado daily in your diet:

The avocado is one of the most delicious and full of health properties that can be found. A recent study revealed that eating half avocado a day helps reduce the bad cholesterol LDL and instead helps to increase the good HDL cholesterol, helping at the same time to reduce abdominal fat and weight in general.

8- Fill half of your plate with vegetables:

Vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants that help the body in multiple ways and of course help to balance the body weight. A major challenge is to begin to fill at least half of the meal with vegetables. We can replace meals and foods refined by more vegetables of any variety.

9- It includes more spicy meals:

Different studies have revealed that many of the spices that we use, such as pepper, cloves and chilies, help accelerate metabolism and cause satiety.

10- Drink more water:

Drinking water is one of the healthier habits that we can have, not only because keeps us hydrated, but it also supports many functions of the body and helps us to control the weight. A good idea to change the taste of the water and get more benefit, is to add lemon juice or some Rhodes of cucumber.

10 Secrets of food which can help you lose weight


Previous recommendations are only a help to lose and balance the weight. It's a very healthy routine that you can start to use to improve your health, your lifestyle and get the weight you want. Obviously the food will not act by itself alone and to lose weight, it is important to have much commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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