Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Eliminates the intestinal parasites with garlic and pumpkin seeds

Anxiety, indigestion, itching, tiredness and headaches... you've had several of these disorders and not know what is due? If your diet is not balanced, it is possible to have intestinal parasites, a very common health problem and that is usually not easily detected, but that you can significantly worsen our quality of life.
In this article we suggest two excellent natural remedies to combat them and eliminate them. They have been used since ancient times and therefore they have proved effective. You just need patience and change some habits and you can notice a great improvement in general.

Eliminates the intestinal parasites with garlic and pumpkin seeds

1- How do I know if I have parasites?

Sometimes it is difficult to realize that one suffers from intestinal parasites, since while are much more frequent than we believe, their symptoms can easily be confused with other common annoyances. The most prominent are the following:

Disorders of appetite (excess or lack of hunger for no apparent reason).
Puffy eyes.
Anxiety and nervousness.
Itching at the tip of the nose, eyes, or in the anal area.
Dilated pupils.
Intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea).
Insomnia without apparent reasons.
They can also affect children, and it is even more difficult to detect them. We look primarily at whether scratching their nose tip or the anal area and if we notice them more nervous without having one causes apparent.

2- Why do they appear?

The main reason for the emergence of parasites is a bad continued feeding, in which predominate the following foods:

Refined flour.
Alcoholic beverages.
Dairy products (creams, creams, ice creams, etc.).
The risk for them is greater when we suffer disorders bowel such as constipation or diarrhea. In the case of constipation, accumulation of waste causes fermentation or rot favours its appearance, and in the case of diarrhea, permanent damage suffered by the intestinal flora also is a terrain so they grow, due to the lack of natural defences.
Finally, if we also have pets at home, we will have to deworming them every month, since direct contact it is easy to pass us the parasites that they tend often suffer.

Eliminates the intestinal parasites with garlic and pumpkin seeds

3- Garlic:

Garlic is a medicinal food that acts as a natural antibiotic and helps prevent many diseases. In the case of parasites, it is also very effective. The only problem which has is its smell and that there are people who do not digest it well.

How do take you?

The most effective and economical it is to take it raw in fasting.
For those not so tolerate well are also sold capsules with garlic in dietary and herbal oil.
Another option is to make the Tibetan healing of garlic, an age-old technique that ourselves will prepare this extract at home and will be taking it gradually to get accustomed to our body.
In addition, we get used to go putting garlic to our meals so that our body gets to digest it.
It may also give pets a clove of raw garlic hidden in a little food, a natural Wormer.

4- Pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds are one of the most powerful foods that we have to prevent and eliminate parasites.

How do we take them?

We need them to take raw, untoasted, and preferably in fasting.
We can also prepare a vegetable similar to the horchata drink crushing 50 g of seeds of pumpkin along with 250 cc of water. We can sweeten the drink with a bit of Stevia.
Finally we can grind it and add them as condiment to all our meals.

Eliminates the intestinal parasites with garlic and pumpkin seeds

5- Other tips:

We will avoid all those foods that we have said that they were harmful, and will strictly, at least for a month.
We can take a supplement to restore our intestinal flora.
We must naturally try our intestinal disorders to evacuate with normal and daily.
If we've endured a prolonged constipation, it may be beneficial to make some colonic irrigation in a specialized health center.
We can massage daily belly with essential oil of oregano diluted in a bit of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, almond, etc.).
We will be very careful about personal hygiene to avoid the contagion continued.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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