Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to make a delicious homemade lemon cake

To who does not like the taste of the lemon? It is refreshing, has that sour taste so seductive for large and small, and what is best, stands alone as a fruit filled with great health properties. Would you like to then have the delicious lemon cake recipe for you and your family? You'll love your breakfast!

How to make a delicious homemade lemon cake

1- The magnificent properties of lemon:

There is nothing more exquisite that start the day with a piece of lemon cake. Ideal for snacks for the kids, a perfect resource for when you have guests and with which, you can never fail. We love the lemon, is full of minerals and vitamins, a fruit that we can not do without. It is perfect to take in its own juice, to garnish salads, meats, and how not, to make rich desserts. You then indicate what else can do for you:
The lemon is rich in vitamin C, ideal for strengthening our immune system and give us defenses.
It has pecticina, salts of potassium, glucose... therapeutic elements for many of our organs.
The lemon is perfect for common colds, flu-like States or head smell.
It helps us to protect our gums and also helps to cure gingivitis.
It soothes neuralgia.
It is a great antioxidant.
It helps us to make better digestion.
It promotes the purification and cleaning of our blood.
It eliminates some intestinal parasites.

2- Lemon cake recipe:

What do I need?

For the base of the cake:

175 Gr. of flour
1 large egg
100 g very cold butter.
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
A pinch of salt

For the lemon pie filling:

3 lemons
200 Ml Cream 35% M. G. (is that the less fat you have, but you can use for example low-fat cheese, for example)
5 eggs
100 gr. of sugar glass

How to make a delicious homemade lemon cake

How do I prepare it?

Do prepared? Excellent, first thing we do to make the Lemon tart will be preparing its base. To do this we will begin separating the yolk from the egg white. The clear we will reserve it to later perform the merengue and the yolk beat it in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of water cold. easy!
Now, what we will do is take the (175 grams) flour in a large bowl with the butter cut into cubes.
With clean hands, mix well the flour and butter to make a well-homogenous paste. If you notice that the butter you has melted much, you don't just leave it five minutes in your refrigerator.
The next step will be to include egg yolk, mixing it with this mass to a well homogeneous paste of attractive color. With it, we will make a kind of ball that we will engage in plastic wrap (plastic transparent that you use for your snacks or to freeze). We will keep this ball in the fridge for three quarters of an hour.
Once passed this time, take some flour on your countertop or in the place where amases your cakes. When the 45 minutes have passed, we return to catch the ball of flour, egg and butter, to crush it with the help of a roller, until you get a sheet of three or four millimeters thick regular. Very easy.
If you see that the mass you cracks or you soften much, put one remotely more flour. Once ready, we carry it into a non-stick or greased mold previously with a little butter. Place it well by removing what above, although not much, since it is always better leave a little bit over the edge for the lemon cake, since it gathers more dough from the Center.
Leave a little mold in the refrigerator while you precalientas the oven 180 degrees about 10 or 15 minutes. Once preheated, put the dough in the oven 20 minutes.
We are now going with the pie filling. We started grating skin of lemons. Once done, leave in a bowl, squeeze the lemons into another bowl.
Along with the lemon juice, also introduce the cream, the egg yolks (whites use them to prepare the meringue), and sugar.
Beat well and add lemon zest, mix and pour on the basis of the cake.
Once ready, we put it in the oven for 45 minutes, or until the filling solidifies. It should not move.
See how easy? Oven lemon cake out and let it cool. What we do now is the meringue with the egg whites. We beat them strong whites, add two tablespoons of powdered sugar, mix gently and pour on the surface of the cake. If you come back to put in the oven a few minutes, you will get that you browned a little merengue, something that certainly makes it more attractive. If you decorate with a few mint leaves your homemade lemon cake will be even more attractive to the eye.
Ideal for your breakfast and to share with the whole family. Try to consume it during the two or three days following will charm you!
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.


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