Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to recognize the difference between a stroke, a heart attack and a stroke

Infarction, heart failure, accident stroke, stroke, stroke... we have heard these words often and yet most of us don't have clear what they mean and what is the difference between.
In this article you will learn in detail which consist of these health problems, as well as risk factors that influence all cardiovascular diseases.

How to recognize the difference between a stroke, a heart attack and a stroke

1- Infarction:

In the case of myocardial infarction we have a problem in the coronary artery, where a clot, formed most of the time by the detachment of an atherosclerotic plaque, blocking the supply of blood and oxygen that should go to the heart. This blockage causes, generally, irregularities in the heartbeat (arrhythmia), chest pain that may radiate to the side left of the body, difficulty breathing, etc.
This block should be treated as soon as possible, since in a few hours it can cause the death of the affected heart muscle.
The person who suffers a heart attack does not lose consciousness at any time and, on the other hand, suffers from acute headaches.

2- Cardiac arrest:

In this case, the heart stops beating suddenly. Who suffers a cardiac arrest loses consciousness immediately, resulting in a swoon and a stop breathing.
Therefore, treatment should be immediate, because if it does not involve death. It will require an immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation until it is possible to apply a defibrillation, which sends an electrical shock to restore normal heart rhythm.
People who have already suffered a heart attack can be implanted a defibrillator that will decrease the risk if they suffer another stop.

3- Stroke:

Stroke, also known by the names of cerebral infarction, stroke or stroke, happens when stops the flow of blood that goes to a part of the brain. If this accident lasts for more than several seconds we find that the brain ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients, causing the death of brain cells and therefore, permanent damage.
There are two types of stroke:

Ischemic: it is the most frequent, with statistics of 85% of the total number of strokes, and involves the irreversible situation that we have commented. It is a cerebral infarction, therefore, caused by a thrombus that prevents the proper irrigation of the brain.
Bleeding: it is less frequent, and although the mortality rate is significantly higher, by counterpart, this type of stroke survivors have, in general, less serious sequelae that those who have suffered ischaemic stroke. This is a hemorrhage or spillage caused by the rupture of a blood vessel.

How to recognize the difference between a stroke, a heart attack and a stroke

4- Risk factors:

There are a few common risk factors for coronary problems. We should know them to prevent all kinds of cardiovascular disease, especially if you have risk factors or whether we have family history:

High blood pressure: it is essential to control the blood pressure regularly. The physician must determine the treatment according to the values of our pressure.
Excessive consumption of harmful fats: fat is a nutrient that is essential to our health, but it must be of good quality. We recommend the regular consumption of fats of vegetable origin and of good quality, like olive oil, linseed oil, oil of coconut, avocado, nuts, etc.
Cholesterol and elevated triglycerides: the tests keep us informed of these levels, which we can improve with a good diet and also controlling our emotional health. Excess of these fats are deposited in the artery walls, forming atheroma plaques, likely to break off and form clots.
Diabetes: 20% of the people who have suffered a stroke are diabetic.
Sedentary lifestyle: today we all know that it is essential to exercise. We can make a little each day, for example, getting us to up and down stairs. or you can always walk, or doing a sport two or three times a week.
Smoking: it is essential to reduce this bad habit, not only for our coronary health, but so many other health problems.
Obesity: overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and, therefore, we should treat it without being something very sacrificed. There are many natural tips that will help us to eat healthy otherwise and thus also go slimming progressively, without sacrifice or trauma.
Stress: stress affects our health and greatly worsens problems already have or those who are prone. It is directly related to, for example, the levels of cholesterol. Therefore, we recommend to find a way to avoid it in our lives.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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