Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tips for health and beauty with natural yogurt

Yogurt, in addition to being a very natural and healthy food can also be used for some health remedies or as a cosmetic home to make masks, moisturize our skin, our hair, etc.
In this article you will learn some of their secrets and how you can get the most advantage this food, as well as share the simple recipe for making yogurt way home.

Tips for health and beauty with natural yogurt

1- Get your own homemade yogurt:

Making yogurt at home is much easier that we can believe. In the market you will find some yogurt maker that facilitate the development, but the truth is that we don't need any special equipment to do so.
It way home will allow us to take advantage of all of its properties, choose a quality milk and save money. In addition, its flavor is delicious.

How do we prepare it?

We beat or mix well a litre of milk along with three tablespoons of yogurt. We may use one of yogurts which we ourselves have previously prepared for the next time.
We will put the prepared in a pan and warm while it comes to a boil.
We proper fire, cover the bowl with a cloth and leave to stand in a warm, dry place for 24 hours.
Spent this day we will keep the yogurt in the fridge.

2- Mask to purify the skin:

All skin types need to be cleaned thoroughly to eliminate toxins that accumulate under the skin and renew the dead cells, which contributes to make a bright and homogeneous. To do this we have an excellent product which is clay, which in addition also helps us to provide minerals for our organism.
The usual recipe is the mixing the clay with water to create a creamy paste that apply directly to the skin and leave for about 20 to 30 minutes until it dries, then remove and clean the skin with warm water.
But in this case we recommend to prepare this same mask with yogurt instead of with water, to prevent one of their main problems, which is precisely the of dry skin. Mix it with yogurt mask will be also more moisturizing, ideal for mixed or dry skin.

Tips for health and beauty with natural yogurt

3- Nourishing mask:

Depending on the ingredients of the mask, the benefits will be one or the other. Unlike the previous mask, this one aims to hydrate and nourish your skin, and you can apply it as many times as you want. The ingredients are as follows:

Two tablespoons of plain yogurt
A tablespoon of Brewer's yeast
A tablespoon of organic honey
Combine the ingredients well and apply on the skin. We leave to act for 15 minutes and wash the face with lukewarm water.

4 -Bowel enema:

Thanks to its content of probiotics, yogurt is a product that helps improve the bacterial flora present in our intestine, and often become unbalanced easily, being the cause of many diseases. In addition to eating yogurt and other foods fermented as sauerkraut or kefir, we can also perform enemas or bowel washes with the same. This enema is very effective to prevent colon cancer, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

How do we make a bowel enema?

We will use a yogurt without any added ingredient. Even better if it's a yogurt made at home.
We will need a PEAR of silicone or a similar tool to do the enema. You can find it in pharmacies.
We will do the enema in fasting.

Tips for health and beauty with natural yogurt

5- Vaginal enema for candidiasis:

A similar method can make vaginal enemas with yogurt to prevent and combat the candidiasis, a parasite that affects a large part of women and causing symptoms such as intestinal problems, anxiety and nervousness, disorders of appetite, itching, swelling, etc. In addition to a specific diet, we also make these enemas, mixing plain yogurt with seawater in equal parts. We can also get sea water in dietary and natural food stores.
We emulsified the two ingredients and apply them with a silicone bulb.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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