Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tips to remove abdominal distention

For many people the feeling of fullness and heaviness is very common after eating any food, this is a nuisance which can accuse much discomfort to people who suffer from it, since it can interfere with quality of life.
A large number of factors can cause the problem of swelling or bloating, so it should be aware of what triggers this feeling more often. You can then learn some simple ways of preventing and improving this condition. Do not miss it!

Tips to remove abdominal distention

1- Discard any allergy to food:

The first thing you need to know with absolute certainty is if he has or not some kind of allergy to certain foods, this is something that you can find out easily, since only you you realize how your body reacts after eating a certain food; If you feel heavy every time you eat that food, is a good idea to visit your doctor, since he will be who tell you definitively if your body does not tolerate that food and others containing similar compounds.

2- Eat slowly:

Is incredible the difference that causes in the organism eat in peace, chewing each bite just enough, so that swallowing the digestion process is more easy; in this way the body won't have to work too much to process the food.
When people eat very fast, they can swallow pieces of great food and so the body takes longer to digest them, giving rise to form gases and various digestive problems.

Tips to remove abdominal distention

3- Increase your fiber intake:

Not consuming sufficient quantities of fibre can be another cause of the presence of gas and flatulence, lack of fiber can cause constipation - and all the complications that can lead to this condition-. Therefore is recommended to consume more foods that make a good supply of fiber to the body.
Another way to obtain adequate amounts of fiber is using some supplements, but the best way to achieve a healthy body is search and consume natural products, such as fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.

4- Avoid carbonated drinks:

For many people this may be the main cause of abdominal distention, since they have the habit of accompanying two or more meals every day with soft drinks. When its consumption is recurrent and excessive, these products gas may cause bloating and flatulence. Recommended to change that kind of soda water or juices.

5- Reduce salt intake:

Excess sodium in foods is one of the main factors causing abdominal distention, foods with the highest content of sodium can be canned, frozen foods and cured meats, among many others. It is recommended to put aside the habit of adding exaggerated amounts of salt to all foodstuffs, since the vast majority of these already have sodium between its components.

Tips to remove abdominal distention

6- Take a short walk:

Another good recommendation to take into account is to make a short walk just after eating, this can help facilitate digestion, helping to prevent digestive problems.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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