Monday, June 15, 2015

Weight loss tips that really work

Lose weight, not only benefits us in the aesthetic, also has benefits for our health. Would you like to read some of the best tips to lose weight that really work? These tips are backed by scientific studies and can help us to lose some pounds and get in better shape.

Weight loss tips that really work

1- Get sport:

Scientific research has shown that, in addition to burning calories and improve your health, exercise reduces stress levels and helps to lose weight. So make sure you do sport in six days a week. This is one of the best tips to lose weight that really works.

2- Eat small portions throughout the day:

Eat small portions of food throughout the day will keep your metabolism stronger. The best thing you can do for your body is eating small healthy meals and worse can do thing it is to skip meals. You can lose weight and be in a better mood with only practice this dietary habit.

3- Breakfast:

When you wake up in the morning, your metabolism is slower to start up your metabolism, the ideal is to eat a lean breakfast. Studies show that those who eat breakfast weigh less than those who do not, so make sure you start your day in the right way.

Weight loss tips that really work

4- Eat an Apple a day:

You know the old saying, an Apple a day keeps you away from the doctor? Could this be true? It is, because apples are loaded with nutrients to improve your health, along with increasing your metabolic rate. Apples also have pectin in them (also found in pears) and this is a natural fat burner. Apples are also replete with soluble fibre (which helps reduce cholesterol), vitamin C and water, so you will feel satisfied and will help you to small portions of food during the day.

5- Eat soup:

According to a study by the University of Penn, eating soup before your main course can save you up to 700 calories per week. In this study, subjects who consumed the soup before the meal consumed 100 fewer calories. So you go ahead and have a little soup so you can lose weight and reach your goals.

6- Eat greener:

To get lots of fiber, phytonutrients, and help you achieve your weight loss goals, be sure to eat your vegetables. You can reach your goal of at least 6 servings of vegetables a day eating 2 salads a day, 2 vegetable appetizers, adding vegetables to your egg and make a smoothie or green juice. This is an easy way to add vegetables to your diet.

Weight loss tips that really work

7- Sleeping more:

If you have lack of sleep, science has proven that your body secretes the hormone cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone", which increases the weight. To avoid this weight gain, make you get more hours of sleep. It is recommended to be between 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Get sleep as much as you can for a better health.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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