Friday, June 12, 2015

Why do we have cold in the hands and feet?

Are you one of those people who tend to have hands and cold feet, even if the temperature isn't very low? Do you know why it happens to you? In this article we give you the curious answer to this question, which is related to the digestive system.
Discover how temperatures and body How can regulate them naturally.

Why do we have cold in the hands and feet?

1- The temperatures of the body:

In general we are people who tend to be more frioleras and other warmer and that, before similar climates, react differently. The key is in our body temperature, and it is important to try to balance those temperatures which, in the extreme, they are not good in any of the cases.
In general, areas that tend to be easier to cool are the extremities. In other words, the hands and feet.
Within us, the organs that tend to cool down and, therefore, that need heat, are the liver and the kidneys, while the stomach and intestines tend to accumulate heat.
When our body has to make a strain in any part, tends to increase circulation at that point, causing a greater or lower inflammation, which actually aims to focus the self-healing mechanism there.
And when that happens, at the same time we have a lack of circulation in the apparently less vital areas, which are precisely the extremities.

2- The digestive system:

Our digestive system, due to poor nutrition or food continued throughout the day, often suffering an excess of heat, since it is running almost constantly. The stomach is forced to make great efforts, which increases gastric acids and therefore its temperature.
On the other hand, these efforts continues then the intestine. If we play we belly can get to notice even the skin is cold, but that is nothing more than a symptom of excess heat in the interior.
Therefore, feet and hands continuously cold possibly are the consequence of excess heat in our digestive system.
In addition to the hassle that entails, it is important to try to prevent, namely joint problems in the long run.

Why do we have cold in the hands and feet?

3- Can the temperatures rebalance?

Of course. Immediately we can always be local warmth in the limbs in different ways:

With hot-water bathrooms.
Well to have these areas with polar fabrics or wool.
Applying heat creams made with ginger, cinnamon, etc.
Doing massages.
Applying electric mats or bags of hot water.
However, we must take into account that will be only palliative remedies, and that if what we want is to balance our body temperature, which will also improve our health in general, what we must do is to facilitate the function of our digestive system.

4- Remove heat to the digestive system:

How do we get it?
Choose healthy foods and avoid those harmful, especially red meat and sausages, fatty cheeses, fried foods or certain candies.
Be vigilant to avoid those foods that we cost to digest, such as some vegetables, dairy, etc.
Chew food well.
Do not eat large amounts. Know before you feel too full to stop.
Never eat until you have done the previous food digestion.
Not dinner too late or too much.
Avoid constipation.
If we suffer heartburn or gastric hyperacidity, treat them with natural remedies.
Alkalize your body.
Rest a little after lunch, before us to make efforts.

Why do we have cold in the hands and feet?

5- Water therapy:

Water can also help to regulate the body temperature, but we have to do it gradually. In general we shower with hot or warm water, and we will have to progressively go ending showers with cold water throughout the body, except the head. The first few times can be a few seconds, but with the passage of time, we can expand this time cold water and even alternate it with hot water.
It is important that before and after the shower we feel no cold, so that the contrast is greater, and at the end we will have to rub well with towel to promote the natural warmth.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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