Monday, August 31, 2015

17 drinks healing, cleansing and energizing ideal for every day

It is not the same to drink a coffee in the morning than at night, or a fruit juice at noon to evening. Each activity requires a special drink, even water for excellence always the most advisable. In the following note you will know what are the best drinks for every moment of the day (according to the objective you have).

17 drinks healing, cleansing and energizing ideal for every day

1- To make muscle:

Milk. This dairy food contains a good dose of casein and whey protein, with the amino acids essential and fundamental in order to build muscles. It is ideal if you are serving a routine to achieve this goal. He drinks milkshakes with milk before and after training.

2- To lose weight:

Green tea or juice of grapefruit. You can opt for the first in winter and the second in summer. They allow to improve the metabolism and burn fat. In the case of the fruit can be eaten alone, in fasting, every morning.

3- To recover from exercise:

Water, sports drinks or milk chocolate. The most important thing after training is drinking a lot of water to replenish the fluid that is lost through sweat. The other two options are used to recover energy, especially if the routine is very demanding.

4- To pay more:

Water, cherry juice or coconut water. Whether you have to take an exam, stay up late at work or get ready to run a marathon, these three alternatives are the most recommended. We already know the properties that have drinking water. Meanwhile, cherry juice (consumed during a week followed) will reduce the pains of exercise and back muscles. Coconut water hydrates and allows you to resist more extensive sessions.

17 drinks healing, cleansing and energizing ideal for every day

5- For muscle cramps:

Pickle juice. It may sound a little weird, but the cucumber juice is excellent for cramps or muscle, so annoying and painful spasms that occur mostly in the legs. It helps the communication between the brain and the muscles when there is fatigue.

6- For upset stomach:

Ginger with water, sugar and lemon (known as Ginger Ale). It allows to eliminate the nausea and pain in the stomach when we've eaten more or some food we not sat well.

7- For the cold:

Tea with lemon and honey. It is a classic home remedy when we are colds or flu. It allows to eliminate nasal congestion, help to expectorate the phlegm, etc. Some add a few drops of whiskey or rum to increase benefits.

8- For sore throat:

Turmeric tea. Lets keep the throat moist and reduce inflammation in that area.

9- For canker sores:

Coconut milk. You can gargle with the liquid if you have sores or mouth burns from a hot meal. You can also drink milk when it's a rash by stomach problems or infections by fungi such as canker.

17 drinks healing, cleansing and energizing ideal for every day

10- For constipation:

Aloe vera juice. It has laxative effects and is very good for inflammation. Extract a stalk of aloe vera pulp, mixed with water and drink on an empty stomach. You can also get the summary in the naturist houses.

11- For sleepiness:

Spirulina, Brown. The first is more advisable than the second, since caffeine is not at all good for the body. A small cup of coffee may be the solution once once in a while, but spirulina powder (sold in the dietary), derived from the blue and green algae, contains a lot of minerals and vitamins that stimulate energy. It dissolves in water or juice.

12- Sleeping:

Juice of cherry, hot milk or Chamomile tea. It consumes any of these three alternatives one hour before bedtime and you will see that you rest as an Angel all night. Increase your levels of melatonin, which serve to improve the sleep duration and quality. Chamomile is used to having deep dreams.

13- To lift the mood:

Lemon balm tea. You can accompany with a few drops of lemon juice. You prepare it as any infusion. It reduces blood pressure and will make you feel better, aside from depression or sadness.

14- For digestion:

Herbal tea. After eating, especially if you haven't done so copiously, drink a herbal tea, which will help you digest food better. The most recommended are Mint or boldo. For a more rapid digestion, add a pinch of cinnamon powder to your infusion.

15- To counteract spicy food:

Milk, drinkable yogurt. These two dairy can relieve swelling and feeling of fire that occurs in the stomach when we eat something with much spicy or condiments. Milk is slightly acidic and can neutralize some ingredients like capsaicin (present in curry, turmeric, ginger, cumin, etc).

16- Hangover:

Orange juice, Banana Smoothie. If you've been with the glasses and the other day it hurts the head and stomach, as well as drink much water to hydrate yourself and eliminate toxins, it is advisable to drink in fasting orange juice or a banana Smoothie (can add spinach). Alcohol reduces blood sugar and levels both drinks will return to normal.

17 drinks healing, cleansing and energizing ideal for every day

17- For dehydration:

Coconut water. Pure water is very good, but in the case of coconut water also will offer you a good amount of electrolytes and carbohydrates. Excellent for eating after exercise or excessive heat days.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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