Friday, August 14, 2015

What you must know about the colon cancer

Colon cancer is a disease that is increasingly more frequent and therefore it is worth to know certain characteristics to prevent it or treat it in time. This is the most serious diseases affecting the organ... So, it becomes a important work know all about colon cancer. In this article we tell you.
Colorectal cancer is one of the major deaths in adults in countries like United States. An early diagnosis can lead to complete healing. Colon cancers begin in the lining of this body and of the rectum.

What you must know about the colon cancer

1- What are the causes of colon cancer?

There is not a single cause of this disease. The majority of patients first have benign polyps, which are becoming cancer not to treat them or allow to grow in size. People who are at increased risk of developing colon cancer are:
Over 60 years of age.
African-American or Eastern Europe
Those who consume much red or processed meat.
Those who have colorectal polyps.
That's an inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
Patients with a family history (especially if there were cases of familial adenomatous polyposis).
Those who have a diet rich in fats and low in fiber.
Those who smoke or drink too much alcohol.
Obese or overweight large.
The large intestine or colon cancer is the second in mortality in Spain and is more common in men than in women. When a polyp in the colon, only 10% becomes cancer, however

What you must know about the colon cancer

2- What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

These can vary according to the location of the tumor in the intestine:
If it is located in the left colon, the symptoms are: blood, diarrhea and constipation, feeling of incomplete evacuation stool.
When located in the transverse colon: pain, obstruction, the cramping, vomiting, and abdominal distention.
If you are located in the right colon: bleeding, internal or hidden, chronic anemia, pallor, fatigue, lack of strength.
In all cases, colon cancer can cause loss of appetite, drastic reduction of weight, fever, chronic fatigue, sensitivity and pain in the lower abdomen and thin stools.

What you must know about the colon cancer

3- How do you detect colon cancer?:

Medical examinations are those that allow to determine whether a person has or not colon cancer (or their predecessors polyps). The doctor carries out pressure in the abdominal area, as well as a rectal examination to reveal bulges in the area.
At the same time, a stool blood test can detect the presence of blood when going to the bathroom, which could suggest that you it's colon cancer (but also other diseases). Other tests include the CBC to know if there is anemia and liver function tests.
The test that allows you to see all of the intestine and determine with certainty if there is cancer or polyps is a colonoscopy. This test looks as a whole tube of intestine and extracted samples that may be suspicious to analyze them later. If the lesions do not allow the passage of this element, is a barium enema, in order to see the silhouette of the colon on x-ray.
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